Monday, November 18, 2013

Are Real Estate Agents In High Demand?

It is a question that is often asked yet it seems to be answered in the same context every time that I have heard the question. Are real estate agents in high demand? I believe the answer to be yes. As there are always people looking for new houses and there are always houses being built and someone has to sell them as most states make it mandatory for a real estate agent to be involved in the transaction of the selling. So yes there are always going to need to be agents out there selling. Also, there are going to be older agents that move into a different section of the agency maybe to be an appraiser or something else other than the agent itself therefore they are going to need to be replaced. These are reasons why I would say that real estate agents are in high demand. 

1 comment:

  1. I always wondered why people used real estate agents. I had no idea it was mandatory in mandatory in most states. That makes sense.
